Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1 Jun 09, we went to Bird Park in Bintulu. This Bird park is so cheap only RM2 per adult.Horn Bill is a bird of Sarawak. It is so beautiful.This is black Horn Bill.This two little ducks is so cute. They keep "Quek! Quek! Quek!" They looks like chatting with each other. It's so interesting.
2 little cute parrot.Do you know in Sarawak there are a lot of crocodile. This shot quite vivid. Not bad! Not bad!Long time never see this beautiful morning glory. I found out one thing since moved to sarawak. I found out i love natural so much. I like green forest, clean river, fresh air and cute animals. During holiday have a picnic at seaside or BBQ near the waterfull. That's really different feeling. End!