Saturday, May 2, 2009

1st May 2009, I joined Rotary Club, 4x4 club and nurse from Hospital Bintulu to Ulu Sebauh for health & literacy project.
7.40 am, we were on the way to Ulu Sebauh.

Finally, we reached that place.(^.^)

We have to cross over the river with this little sampan.

I was quite scared when i was on the sampan. I scared crocodile. haha....

These students and that old lady are villager in Ulu Sebauh.

This is their school "SK Hermanus Assan" and their Long House. There are only 34 students in this school and there are 60 over family in this long house. Don't see it like that, it is very long o...

This big boat is their glossary shop. Inside sell gas, egg, soft drink, and whatever thing ....
There is no pipe water supplied in this village. They get water from sky, river and underground.

OK, stop playing. We have to finish our mission today. First mission, educated those students the important of hygiene. Second mission, helped those villagers for testing blood pressure and blood test. Third mission, helped them to repair computer and last mission, helped them to rebuilt the bridge.

Can you see it. Before and After.

Let's have a picture. "said good!"

Work! Work! Work! Play! Play! Play! Dont forget to eat. What we cook today? We cooked pork with potota, vegetable, rice.....

I prepared cencaluk while my husband cooked mee.

I had went to visit their Long House. It is very clear, big and long inside. This is my 1st time step in long house.

I helped them to sweep the floor. hehe...

This is our sleeping place.

Is dinner time, tonight we have BBQ pork, chicken wing, fried rice and mee hoon. wao...shuang...

OK, is time to sleep o. good nite...

It is a very beautiful place. The people here is friendly. It is also my 1st time, i went to their house to shower. It is really a meaningful trip for me.